1. Blasgen, M., et al., “The Convoy Phenomenon”, Operating Systems Review, Vol. 13, 2, April 1979, pp. 20–25.
2. Boyne, Richard D., et al., “The Implementation of a Multi-backend Database System (MDBS): Part III - The Message-Oriented Version with Concurrency Control and Secondary-Memory-Based Directory Management,” Technical Report, NPS–52–83–003, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, March, 1983.
3. He, X. et al., “The Implementation of a Multi-Backend Database System (MDBS): Part II - The First Prototype MDBS and the Software Engineering Experience,” Chapter 11, Advanced Database Machine Architectures, Prentice-Hall, August 1’ttS: Also-in the Technical Report, NPS–52–82–008, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, July 1982.
4. Hsiao, D.K. and Menon, M.J., “Design and Analysis of a Multi-Backened Database System for Performance Improvement, Functionality Expansion and Capacity Growth (Part I), ”Technical Report, OSU-CISRC-TR-81–7, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, July 1981.
5. Hsiao, D.K. and Menon, M.J., “Design and Analysis of a Multi-Backend Database System for Performance Improvement. Functionality Expansion and Capacity Growth (Part II),” Technical Report, OSU–CISRC–TR–81–8, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, August 1981.