1. Bird, R.S. Transformational programming and the paragraph problem. Science of Computer Programming 6 (1986) 159–189.
2. Bird, R.S. The promotion and accumulation strategies in transformational programming. ACM. Trans, on Prog. Lang, and Systems 6 (1984) 487–450. Addendum Ibid 7 (1985).
3. Bird, R.S. and Hughes, R.J.M. The alpha-beta algorithm: an exercise in program transformation. Inf. Proc. Letters (to appear 1986).
4. Bird, R.S. and Meertens L.G.L.T Two exercises found in a book on algorithmics. Proc. TC2 Conference on Program Specification and Transformation, Bad Tolz, W. Germany 1986 (to appear Springer LNCS 1986).
5. Bird, R.S. and Wadler, P. An Introduction to Functional Programming Prentice-Hall (to be published 1987).