1. J.J. Fitzgerald, Black Gold With Grit, Gray’s Publishing Ltd., Sidney, British Columbia, 1978
2. R. Green and E. McCrary, Barge System Recovers Oil from Tankers, Chem. Eng. 85, 90, June 5, 1978
3. F. Zurcher and M. Thuer, Rapid Weathering Proc-esses of Fuel Oil in Natural Waters, Envir. Sci. and Tech. 12, 838, July 1978
4. C.F. Logan, Aqua Dome Canopy Puts the Problem of Offshore Oil Leaks Under Cover, Offshore 37, 111, Oct. 1977
5. J.H. Vandermeulen, Chedabucto Bay Spill: Arrow 1970, Oceanus 20, 31, Fall 1977