1. For those still struggling with the concepts (which probably means most people without a physics degree or other formal study of quantum theory), there are plenty of popular science books and articles. Please dive in: it’s the way the world we all live in works, and there is no reason to not dig in deep enough to marvel at the way it fits together and puzzle with the best of us about the bits we can’t yet fathom.
2. For those who want to learn the quantitative details and machinery of quantum computing, this is still the best textbook: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information: (10th Edition). Michael A. Nielsen, Isaac L. Chuang. ISBN 10: 1107002176 ISBN 13: 9781107002173. Publisher: CUP, Cambs., UK
3. I have cited a number of accessible review articles and books in the primary literature. Especially useful among these are Venegas-Andraca (2012) on quantum versions of random walks
4. Lidar and Brun (2013), Devitt et al. (2009), and Paler and Devitt (2015) for quantum error correction
5. Pachos (2012) and Brennen and Pachos (2007) for topological quantum computing