1. Mshana NR, Abbiw DK, Addae-Mensah I et al (2000) Traditional medicine and pharmacopoeia. Contribution to the revision of ethno-botanical and floristic studies in Ghana. Organization of African Unity/Scientific and Technical Research Commission (OAU/STRC). Lagos, Nigeria. ISBN 978-2453-66-2 (920 pages)
2. Irvine FR (1961) Woody plants of Ghana. Oxford University Press, London (868 pages)
3. Kokwaro JO (1976) Medicinal plants of East Africa. East African Literature Bureau, Kampala, Nairobi, Dar es Salaam (384 pages)
4. World Health Organisation (2002) WHO traditional medicine strategy 2002–2005. World Health Organisation, Geneva, p 12
5. See various relevant reports of the Ghana Statistical Service 2000 Ghana Population & Housing Census and subsequent updates