1. DSIF S-Band Tracking and Communication System, Vol. II. EPD-256, Jet Propulsion Laboratory 1965.
2. Tausworthe, R. C.: Digital Communication and Tracking: Ranging Measurement, SPS 37-42, Vol. II, p. 52. Jet Propulsion Laboratory 1968.
3. Tatjsworthe, R. C.: Ranging the 1967 Mariner to Venus. Paper No.36.4, 1967, IEEE Intern. Conf. Record, 20-23 March, New York.
4. Goldstein, R. M.: Radar Exploration of Venus. TR 32-396, Jet Propulsion Laboratory 1965.
5. Evans, J. V., Hagfors, T., ed.: Radar Astronomy. New York: McGraw-Hill 1968.