1. Crow, S.C., Champagne, F.H. (1971) J. Fluid Mech. 48, 547.
2. Glauser, M.N., Leib, S.J., George, W.B. (1985) Coherent structures in the axisymmetric jet mixing layer, Proc. of the 5th symposium turbulent shear flow conf. Cornell. (also Springer, selected papers from TSF5).
3. Leib, S.7., Glauser, M.N., George, W.K. (1984) An Application of Lumley’s orthogonal decomposition to the axisymmetric turbulent jet mixing layer. Proceedings 9th Rolla Symposium.
4. Lumley, J.L. (1967) The structure of inhomogenous turbulent flows. In Atm. Turb. and Radio Wave. Prop., (Yaglom and Tatarsky, ed.) Nauka, Moscow, 166178.
5. Sreenivasan, K.R. (1984) The azimuthal correlations of velocity and temperature fluctuations in an axisymmetric jet. Phys. Fluids 27 (4).