1. Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J., and Zum, W.H.M., “Queuing analysis in a flexible assembly system with a job-dependent parallel structure,” in Operations Research Proceedings
1988, pp. 551–558, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989.
2. Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J., and Zum, W.H.M., “Analysis of the symmetric shortest queue problem,” Stochastic Models, vol. 6, 1990, (to appear).
3. Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J., and Zum, W.H.M., “Analysis of the asymmetric shortest queue problem,” Eindhoven University of Technology, Dep. of Math, and Comp. Sci., 1990. Submitted for publication in Queueing Systems.
4. Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J., and Zum, W.H.M., “Analysis of the asymmetric shortest queue problem with threshold jockeying,” Memorandum COSOR 90-20, Eindhoven University of Technology, Dep. of Math, and Comp. Sci., 1990. Submitted for publication.
5. Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J., and Zum, W.H.M., “Analysis of the symmetric shortest delay problem for Erlangian servers,” Memorandum COSOR, Eindhoven University of Technology, Dep. of Math, and Comp. Sci., 1990. In preparation.