1. Krinov, E. L.: Principles of Meteoritics. New York: Pergamon Press 1960. A general introduction to the subject, with emphasis on history and descriptive aspects.
2. Mason, B.: Meteorites. New York: John Wiley and Sons 1962. Another general work, with more stress on quantitative aspects, especially mineralogy and chemistry.
3. Libby, W. F.: Radiocarbon Dating, 2nd edit. Chicago: University Chicago Press 1955.
4. Lal, D., and B. Peters: This volume. See also Progr., Elem. Particle and Cosmic Ray Physics 6, Chap. 1 (1962).
5. Arnold, J. R., M. Honda, and D. Lal: Record of Cosmic-Ray Intensity in Meteorites. J. Geophys. Res. 66, 3519 (1961).