1. E. Jones et al., yellow - report CERN 83-10 (1983) .
2. UA1 Collab., J. Dowcll , Proc. 6-th Topical Workshop on Proton-Antiproton Collider Physics ,Aachcn ,1986 eds. K. Eggcrt et al.,World Scientific 1987,419.
3. UA2 Collab., C. Booth ,same as ref. [2] ,381.
4. For a detailed description of the performance of other UA2 detector components see the contributions by S. Lami , L. Linssen , L . Mandelli , B. Merkel , T. Pal at the 7-th Topical Workshop on Proton-Antiproton Collider Physics , Fermilab , 1988 , World Scientific (to be published ).
5. P. Bagnaia et al., Zeit. Phys. C20 , (1983) 117.