1. V.P. Maslov: Theoria Vozmushchetiii i Asimptoticheskie Metody (theory of perturbations and asymptotic methods) (Izd. MGU, Moscow, 1965) [French transl.: VP. Maslov: Theorie des Perturbations et Methode Asymptotique (Dunod, Paris 1972)]
2. Yu.A. Kravtsov: Sov. Phys.—Acoust. 14, 1 (1968)
3. J.M. Arnold: Radio Sci. 17, 1181 (1982)
4. R. Ziolkowski, G.A. Deschamps: Rad. Sci. 19, 1001 (1984)
5. L. Hörmander: Acta Math. 127, 79 (1971)