1. Allan, W. (1965) The African Husbandman. London, Oliver and Boyd Ltd.
2. Andersson, C. J. (1856) Lake Ngami; or, Explorations and Discoveries, during Four Years’ Wanderings in the Wilds of South Western Africa. London, Hurst and Blackett.
3. ——— (1748) The Gentleman’s Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XVIII. For the Year M.DCC.XLVIII. London, Edw. Cave.
4. ——— (1748a) The Monthly Chronologer.The London Magazine. XVII, 379.
5. ——— (1750) An Account of the Locusts, which did vast damage in Walachia, Moldavia, and Transilvania, in the Years 1747 and 1748; and of some Swarms of them, which, in the Months of July and August, 1748, came into Hungary and Poland; by a Gentleman who lives in Transilvania. The London Magazine. XIX, 585–587.