1. A summary of the present knowledge in tribology can be found in Adhesion and Friction, ed. by M. Grunze, H.J. Kreuzer: Springer Ser. in Surf. Sci., Vol. 17 ( Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 1989 )
2. C. Mathew Mate, Gary M. McClelland, Ragnar Erlandsson, Shirley Chiang: Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 1942 (1987)
3. G.M. McClelland: In [11.1]
4. J. Spreadborough: Wear 5, 18 (1962)
5. R.D. Arnell, J.W. Midgley, D.G. Teer: Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. 179, 115 (1966)