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2. B. Jasani, T. Sakata (eds.), Satellites for arms control and crisis monitoring, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1987, p. 10
3. J. Richelson, Technical collection and arms control, in: W. Potter (ed.), Verification and arms control, Lexington MA: Lexington Books, 1985, p. 169
4. R. E. Parks, Overview of optical manufacturing methods, in: Contemporary methods of optical fabrication, Proc. of the SPIE, vol. 306, pp. 2 ff, Bellingham WA, 1981; G. M. Sanger, Perspective on precision machining, polishing and optical requirements, in: Proc. of the SPIE, vol. 306, pp. 96 ff; G. Wright, J. B. Bryan, Proposed method of producing large optical mirrors: Single point diamond crushing followed by polishing with a small area tool, Optical Engineering, no. 9, pp. 1021 ff, 1986
5. T. Foley, Air Force research focuses on automatic production, Aviation Week & Space Technology, vol. 129, No. 3, pp. 74 ff, 18 July 1974