1. D. Sornette, Critical Phenomena in Natural Sciences: Chaos, Fractals, Selforganization and Disorder. (Springer, Berlin, 2006)
2. S. Albeverio, V. Jentsch, H. Kantz, eds., Extreme Events in Nature and Society. (Springer, Berlin, 2006)
3. A. Bunde, J. Kropp, and H. J. Schellnhuber, eds., The Science of Disasters. Climate Disruptions, Heart Attacks, and Market Crashes. (Springer, Berlin, 2002)
4. M. Buchanan, Ubiquity. Why Catastrophes Happen. (Three Rivers, New York, 2000)
5. Office of the President of Columbia University, Lee C. Bollinger (2005) Announcing the Columbia Committee on Global Thought, see http://www.columbia.edu/cu/president/docs/communications/2005-2006/051214-committee-global-thought.html