After-Life Vulnerabilities: A Study on Firefox Evolution, Its Vulnerabilities, and Fixes


Massacci Fabio,Neuhaus Stephan,Nguyen Viet Hung


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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1. The anatomy of a vulnerability database: A systematic mapping study;Journal of Systems and Software;2023-07

2. Plumber: Boosting the Propagation of Vulnerability Fixes in the npm Ecosystem;IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering;2023-05-01

3. Empirical analysis of security vulnerabilities in Python packages;Empirical Software Engineering;2023-03-25

4. Insight: Exploring Cross-Ecosystem Vulnerability Impacts;Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering;2022-10-10

5. Automated Risk Management Based Software Security Vulnerabilities Management;IEEE Access;2022







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