1. Aloni, M., Butler, A., Dekker, P. (eds.): Questions in Dynamic Semantics. Elsevier, Oxford (2007)
2. Asher, N., Lascarides, A.: Questions in Dialogue. Linguistics and Philosophy 21, 237–309 (1998)
3. Grice, H.P.: Studies in the Ways of Words. Harvard University Press, Cambridge (1989)
4. Groenendijk, J.: The Logic of Interrogation. In: Matthews, T., Strolovitch, D.L. (eds.) The Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Semantics and Linguistic Theory, pp. 109–126. CLC Publications, Ithaca (1999); Also in: Aloni, Butler, and Dekker (2007)
5. Hulstijn, J.: Dialogue Models for Inquiry and Transaction, Ph.D. thesis, University of Twente (2000)