1. Anderson, M., and P. Escher. 2010. The MBA oath. Penguin-Portfolio, 2010, 256 p.
2. Augier, M., and J.G. March. 2011. The roots, rituals and rhetorics of change. Stanford: Stanford University m Press. 364 p.
3. Datar, S., D.A. Garvin, and P.G. Cullen. 2010. Rethinking the MBA. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. 379 p.
4. de Bettignies, H.C., and F. Lepineux. 2009. Finance for a better world. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. 258 p.
5. de Bettignies, H.C., and M.J. Thompson. (ed.). 2010. Leadership, spirituality and the common good. Garant, European SPES, Garant, Antwerp: Belgium (
) 132 p.