1. Baratchart L. “Une structure différentielle pour certaines classes de systèmes, application à l’approximation L
2” Thèse de docteur-Ingénieur E.N.S.M.P Paris.
2. Baratchart L. “On the parametrization of linear constant systems” SIAM J. cont. & opt., vol.
, n
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3. Baratchart L., “Existence and generic properties for L
2-approximants of linear systems” to appear in I.M.A. Journal.
4. Baratchart L., Steer S.“Rosencher type equations for L
2-approximation of linear constant systems” Proc. 24th C.D.C., Fort Lauderdale, FL.
5. Coste M., Roy M. F. “Topologies for real algebraic geometry” in “Topos theoretic methods in geometry”, A. Kock ed., Arhus Universiteit, pp. 29–100.