1. Alino PM (1984) The effect of mine tailings on the structure of coral communities at Toledo, Cebu. 3rd Symp Our environment, Singapore
2. Anon (1977) Brief of Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. submission to the public inquiry into pollution control objectives for the mine, mine-milling and smelting industries of British Columbia, Can
3. Anon (1979) Pollution control objectives for the mining, smelting and related industries of British Columbia 1979. BC Minist Environ, Victoria, BC, Can, 15 pp
4. Anon (1983) Proposed polymetallic sulfide minerals lease offering Gorda Ridge area. US Min Manag Serv, Reston, VA, 580 pp
5. Anon (1984a) Annual environmental assessment report. Island Copper Mine, BC, Can, 2 vols