1. MATLAB® The Language of Technical Computing, Version 7.10.0 (R2010a), The MathWorks Inc, 2010.
2. J.H. Mathews, K.D. Fink: Numerical Methods using MATLAB, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education International, 2004.
3. S. T. Karris: Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB and Spreadsheets, Second Edition, Orchard Publication, ISBN 0-9744239-1-2.
4. A. Gilat: Introduction to MATLAB 7 with examples, Translation of second edition, Mikro Knjiga, 2005.
5. Z. Stojkovi′c: Computer-Aided Design in Power Engineering – Software Tools, Monography, II edition, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade, Academic Mind, Belgrade, March 2003.