1. Allen, W. D.: Neutron Detection. London : George Newnes Ltd. 1960.
2. Barschall, H. H.: Detection of Neutrons. In: Handbuch der Physik, Bd. XLV, p. 437 ff. Berlin-Göttingen-Heidelberg: Springer 1958.
3. Marion, J. B., and J. A. Fowler (ed.) : Fast Neutron Physics, part I: Techniques. New York: Interscience Publishers 1960, especially Sec. II: Recoil Detection Methods, and Sec. III: Detection by Neutron-Induced Methods.
4. Rossi, B., and H. Staub : Ionization Chambers and Counters. New York-Toronto-London: McGraw-Hill 1949.
5. Tongiori, C. V., S. Hayakawa, and M. Widgoff : Rev. Sci. Instr. 22, 899 (1951).