1. Tobias, J.V., ed. (1972). Foundations of Modem Auditory Theory, Vol.II, Academic Press, New York and London: see especially the contributions of A.W. Mills, L.A. Jeffress and J.V. Tobias.
2. Carterette, E.C. and Friedman, M.P., eds. (1978). Handbook of Perception, Vol. IV, Academic Press, New York and London: see especially the contributions of Colburn, H.S. and Durlach, N.I. and Durlach, N.I. and Colburn, H.S.
3. Raatgever, J. (1980). On the Binaural Processing of Stimuli with Different Interaural Phase Relations, Dutch Efficiency Bureau, Pijnacker (NL).
4. Blauert, J. (1983). Spatial Hearing — The Psyehaphysics of Human Sound Localization, MIT-Press, Cambridge (Mass.), (in print).