1. TURBINE project - TrUsted Revocable Biometric IdeNtitiEs,
2. Delvaux, N., Chabanne, H., Bringer, J., Kindarji, B., Lindeberg, P., Midgren, J., Breebaart, J., Akkermans, T., van der Veen, M., Veldhuis, R., Kindt, E., Simoens, K., Busch, C., Bours, P., Gafurov, D., Yang, B., Stern, J., Rust, C., Cucinelli, B., Skepastianos, D.: Pseudo identities based on fingerprint characteristics. In: International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (2008)
3. Gafurov, D., Busch, C., Yang, B., Bours, P.: Test report - interoperability performance evaluation #1. Technical report, Gjovik University College (Turbine deliverable D421), confidential (2010)
4. Gafurov, D., Yang, B., Bours, P., Busch, C.: Independent performance evaluation of fingerprint verification at the minutiae and pseudonymous identifier levels. In: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (2010)
5. ISO/IEC 19795-2:2007, Information technology - Biometric performance testing and reporting - part 2: Testing methodologies for technology and scenario evaluation (2007)