1. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;T. Barnes,2008
2. Barnes, T., Stamper, J., Lehmann, L., Croy, M.: A Pilot Study on Logic Proof Tutoring Using Hints Generated from Historical Student Data. In: Baker, R., Barnes, T., Beck, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2008), Montreal, Canada, pp. 197–201 (2008)
3. Barnes, T., Stamper, J.: Toward the extraction of production rules for solving logic proofs. In: Proc. 13th Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Educational Data Mining Workshop, Marina del Rey, CA (2007)
4. Beck, J., Woolf, B.P., Beal, C.R.: ADVISOR: A Machine Learning Architecture for Intelligent Tutor Construction. In: 7th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 552–557. AAAI Press / The MIT Press (2000)
5. Croy, M., Barnes, T., Stamper, J.: Towards an Intelligent Tutoring System for propositional proof construction. In: Brey, P., Briggle, A., Waelbers, K. (eds.) European Computing and Philosophy Conference, pp. 145–155. IOS Publishers, Amsterdam (2007)