1. Reynolds, Osborne On the Theory of Lubrication Phil. Trans.Roy.Soc. London 177, (1886), 157–234.
2. Fuller, D.D. Theory and Practice of Lubrication for Engineers, J. Wiley and Sons London 1956, 432 S.
3. Dowson, D. A generalized Reynolds Equation for fluid-film Lubrication. Int.f.Mech.Sci. 4 (1962), 159–170
4. Peppler, W. Maschinenelemente Tagung Aachen 1935, VDI-verlag Berlin (1936), 42; VDI-Forschungsheft 1938, 391
5. Dowson, D. und G.R. Higginson. Elasto-hydrodynamic Lubrication Pergamon Press Oxford 1966, 235 S.