1. T.M. Swaminatha, C.R. Elden: Wireless Security and Privacy: Best Practices and Design Techniques (Addison Wesley, Boston, USA 2002)
2. A. Mehrotra: GSM System Engineering (Artech House, Norwood, USA 1997)
3. S.M. Pedl, M.K. Weber, M.W. Oliphant: GSM and Personal Communications Handbook (Artech House, Norwood, USA 1998)
4. P. Chandra: Bulletproof Wireless Security-GSM, UMTS, 802.11 and AdHoc Security (Elsevier, Newnes 2005)
5. H. Kaaranen, A. Ahtiainen, L. Laitinen, S. Naghian, V. Niemi: UMTS Networks-Architecture, Mobility and Services (Wiley, New York, USA 2005)