1. G. D. Gordon, “Spacecraft Technology Lecture Notes,” (Chapter 12-Reliability), COMSAT internal publication WP 2854/BSR, April 1981.
2. G. D. Gordon, “Ways APL is More Powerful than Speakeasy”, 7th Annual Conference (Speakeasy Meeting) Proceedings, pp. 33–61, August 1979.
3. R. Strauss and J. R. Owens, “Past and Present INTELSAT TWTA Life Performance”, AIAA 7th Communications Satellite Systems Conference, March 1980.
4. I. Bazousky,Reliability Theory and Practice, Prentice-Hall, 1961.
5. W. R. Schnicke, J. B. Binckes, and J. E. Martin, “Ten Year Life INTELSAT VI Spacecraft”, AIAA 9th Communications Satellite Systems Conference, March 1982.