1. J. D. Musa, “Software reliability measures applied to system engineering,”Proc. NCC 1979,pp. 941–946.
2. J. D. Musa, “The use of software reliability measures in project management,”Proc. COMPSAC 78,Chicago, Illinois, 14–vember 1978, pp. 493–498.
3. P. A. Hamilton and J. D. Musa, “Measuring the reliability of computation center software,”Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Soft. Eng. ,Atlanta, Georgia, 10–12 May 1978, pp. 29–36.
4. J. D. Musa, A. Iannino, “Software reliability modeling-accounting for program size variation due to integration or design changes,”ACM SIG-METRICS Performance Evaluation Review,10(2), pp. 16–25.
5. G. J. Myers,The Art of Software Testing,Wiley: New York, 1979, pp. 44– 50.