A Learnable Representation for Syntax Using Residuated Lattices


Clark Alexander


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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1. Categorial Grammars and Their Logics;Studies in Universal Logic;2018

2. Language-Theoretic and Finite Relation Models for the (Full) Lambek Calculus;Journal of Logic, Language and Information;2017-03-30

3. Distributional Learning of Regular Formal Graph System of Bounded Degree;Inductive Logic Programming;2017

4. Automatic Concepts and Automata-Theoretic Semantics for the Full Lambek Calculus;Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics. Celebrating 20 Years of LACL (1996–2016);2016

5. On Some Extensions of Syntactic Concept Lattices: Completeness and Finiteness Results;Formal Grammar;2016








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