1. D.R. Brownbridge, L.F. Marshall, and B. Randell, “The Newcastle Connection — or UNIXes of the World Unite,” Software Practice and Experience, vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 1147–1162, December 1982.
2. B. Randell, “The Newcastle Connection: A Software Subsystem for Constructing Distributed UNIX Systems,” Technical Report TR194, Computing Laboratory, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, September, 1984.
3. 1. W. Wilner, "Recursive Machines," Internal Report, Xerox Corporation, 1980. Also: In 'VLSI: Machine Architecture and Very High Level Language', Ed. P.C. Treleaven, ACM Computer Architecture News 8
4. 2. December 1980 pp. 27-38 (Technical Report 156 University of Newcastle upon Tyne).
5. F. Panzieri and S. K. Shrivastava, “Reliable Remote Calls for Distributed UNIX: An implementation study,” in Proc. Second Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, pp. 127–133, IEEE, Pittsburg, July 1982.