1. Aspect Oriented Software Development site: http://aosd.net
2. Special section on Aspect Oriented Programming, Guest editors: Elrad, T., Filman, B., Bader, A., Communications of the ACM (October 2001)
3. Cottenier, T., Elrad, T.: Dynamic and Distributed Service Composition with Aspect-Sensitive Services. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2005), Miami, USA, pp. 56–63. INSTICC Press (May 2005)
4. Cottenier, T., Elrad, T.: Layers of Collaboration Aspects for Pervasive Computing. In: Proceedings of the 5th Argentine Symposium in Software Engineering (ASSE 2004), Cordoba, Argentina (September 2004)
5. Cottenier, T., van den Berg, A., Elrad, T.: Motorola WEAVR: Aspect-Orientation and Model-Driven Engineering. Journal of Object Technology 6(7) (2007)