1. Ashenhurst, R. L., “Hierarchical Computing,” in Proceedings of the EDUCOM/NSF General Working Seminars on a National Science Computer Network, Networks for Research and Education, MIT Press (1974) pp. 74–88.
2. Ashenhurst, R. L., “Centralized or Decentralized Computing--or Maybe Some of Both?,” in Digest of Papers, IEEE Computer Society Conference, Fall 1975 (IEEE Catalog No. 75CH0988–6C) pp. 59–60.
3. Ashenhurst, R. L., “Enhancement of Minicomputer Operating Systems through MISS,” in Proceedings of the Second Texas Conference on Computing Systems, Computing Systems 1973, University of Texas at Austin (1973) pp. 27–1–27–3.
4. Ashenhurst, R. L., “Hierarchical Computer Systems for On-Line Applications,” in Proceedings of the Conference on the Computer as a Research Tool in the Life Sciences, Federation Proceedings, v. 33, no. 12 (December, 1974) pp. 2405–7;
5. reprinted in W. Siler and D.A.B. Lindberg (Eds.) Computers in Life Science Research, Plenum Press (1975)pp. 223–27.