1. Berry, P.A.M., Jasper, A. & Bracke, H., 1997b, ‘Retracting ERS-1 Altimeter Waveforms over Land for Topographic Height Determination: An Expert Systems Approach’, Third ERS Symposium, European Space Agency, Florence, March 1997.
2. Berry, P.A.M. & Leigh, M., 1997, Towards Validation and Correction of Global Digital Elevation Models with ERS-1 Altimetry’, Third ERS Symposium, European Space Agency, Florence, March 1997.
3. Berry, P.A.M., Sanders, R.F., Bron E.I. & Leenmans, C., 1997c, ‘Generating Orthometric Heights From The ERS-1 Altimeter Geodetic Mission Dataset: Results From An Expert Systems Approach’, IAG Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, September 1997.
4. Dowson, M. & Berry, P.A.M., 1997. ‘Geodetic Application Of ERS-1 Altimeter Data Over Land’. This issue.
5. ‘GLOBE Dataset Version 0.5’, 1997, National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, Colorado