1. Barad, M. S. and Cohen, I. M., Univ. of Pennsylvania Rep. 2281/10, (1973) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. See also Phys. Fluids, 17, April 1974.
2. Baum, E. and Chapkis, R. L. (1970), AIAA J., 8, 1073.
3. Baum, E. and Denison, M. R. (1970), TRW Rep. 06488–64556-R0–00, September 1970.
4. Baum, E. and Denison, M. R. (1971), TRW Rep. 06488–6526-R0–00, September 1971.
5. Bienkowski, G. K. (1967), Phys. Fluids, 10, 381.