1. Summerfield, M.: J. of Am. Rocket Society, 21, 108, 1951.
2. Crocco, L.: J. of Am. Rocket Society, Part 1, 21, 163, 1951; Part 2, 22, 7, 1952.
3. Crocco, L. and S.I. Cheng: Theory of Combustion Instability in Liquid Propellant Rocket Motors, AGARDographNo. 8, Butter-worths Scientific Publications, 1956.
4. Grad, H.: Communication of Pure and Applied Math., 2, 79, 1949.
5. Cheng, S.I.: Jet Propulsion, Part 1, 24, 27; Part 2, 25, 102, 1954.