1. Alferes, J.J., Amador, R.: Towards a foundational ontology for reactive rules. In: ESWC 2007 (2007), http://www.eswc2007.org/posters.cfm
2. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;J.J. Alferes,2007
3. Alferes, J.J., Amador, R., Behrends, E., Franco, T., Fritzen, O., Krippahl, L., May, W., Schenk, F.: Prototype on the RDF/OWL level (2007), http://rewerse.net/deliverables/m42/i5-d9.pdf
4. Alferes, J.J., Amador, R., Kärger, P., Olmedilla, D.: Towards reactive semantic web policies: Advanced agent control for the semantic web. In: Bizer, C., Joshi, A. (eds.) ISWC 2008 (Posters & Demos). CEUR-WS.org, vol. 401 (2008)
5. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;J.J. Alferes,2005