1. Aichhorn A (1925) Verwahrloste Jugend. Psychoanalytischer Verlag, Wien
2. Alexander F (1930) The neurotic character. Int J Psychoanal 11: 292
3. American Psychiatric Association (1952) Diagnostic and Statistical manual of mental disorders I, Ist edn 1952; 2bd edn 1968; 3rd edn 1979. American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC
4. American Psychiatric Association (1968) Diagnostic and Statistical manual of mental disorders I, Ist edn 1952; 2bd edn 1968; 3rd edn 1979. American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC
5. American Psychiatric Association (1979) Diagnostic and Statistical manual of mental disorders I, Ist edn 1952; 2bd edn 1968; 3rd edn 1979. American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC