1. H. Lomax, P.R. Bailey and W.P. Ballhaus. On the numerical simulation of three-dimensional transonic flow with application to the C141 wing. NASA TN D-6933, August 1973.
2. E.B. Klunker and P.A. Newman. Computation of transonic flow about lifting wing-cylinder combinations. J. Aircraft, Vol. 11, No. 4, April 1974.
3. M.G. Hall and M.C.P. Pirmin. Recent developments in methods for calculating transonic flow over wings. Paper presented at the Ninth Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Haifa, Israel, August 25–30, 1974.
4. E.M. Murman. Analysis of embedded shock waves calculated by relaxation methods. Proceedings of the AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Palm Springs, California USA, July 19–20, 1973.
5. P.R. Bailey and W.P. Ballhaus. Comparisons of computed and experimental pressures for transonic flow about isolated wings and wing-fuselage configurations. Paper presented at the NASA Conference on Aerodynamic Analysis Requiring Advanced Computers, Langley USA, March 1975.