1. Alford, J. “Confidence-Building Measures and Verification,” Survival, 6:3 (May/June 1984 ).
2. Bellany, I. and Blacker, C.D. (eds). The Verification of Arms Control Agreements ( London: Frank Cass and Co. Ltd., 1983 ).
3. Buchan, Glenn C. “The Verification Spectrum,” Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 39: 9 (November 1983).
4. Buchheim, R.W. and Caldwell, D. The U.S.-U.S.S.R. Standing Consultative Commission: Description and Appraisal (Providence, Rhode Island: Brown University, Center for Foreign Policy Development, Working Paper 2, May 1983 ).
5. Caldwell, D. “The Standing Consultative Commission - What Is It and What It Isn’t,” Arms Control Today, 14: 3 (March/April 1984 ).