1. Contact inhibition of movement in the cultures of transformed cells, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 70 (1973), 2011–2014 (with Yu.M. Vasil’ev, V. I. Gel’stein, O.Yu. Ivanova, and L.B. Margolis ) (in English).
2. The structure of the lamellar cytoplasm of normal and tumorous fibroblasts, Papers from a Soviet-French symposium, in: Ul’trastruktura rakovykh kletok (Ultrastructure of cancerous cells), Nauka, Moscow 1973, 49–71 (with Yu.M. Vasil’ev, L.V. Domnina, E.E. Krivitska, L.V. Ol’shevskaya, Yu.A. Rovenskii, and A.P. Chern).
3. Comparative study of density dependent inhibition of growth in the cultures of normal and neoplastic fibroblast-like cells. Abstracts 6th meeting of the European study group for cell proliferation, Nauka, Moscow 1973, 15 (with Yu.M. Vasil’ev, L. V. Domnina, O.Yu. Pletyushkina, and E.K. Fetisova ) (in English).
4. Factors inducing DNA synthesis and mitosis in normal and neoplastic cell culture. Abstracts 6th meeting of the European study group for cell proliferation, Nauka, Moscow 1973, 61 (with Yu.M. Vasil’ev (in English).
5. Determination of criteria of high seismism by means of recognition algorithms, Vestnik Moscow Gos. Univ. 1973, no. 5, 78–83 (with Sh.A. Guberman, M.I. Zhidkov, V. I. Keilis-Borok, E.Ya. Rantsman, and I.M. Rotvain ).