1. Alonso A, Ollier W, Doyle P, Williams E, Festenstein H (1983) Family investigation demonstrating the association of HLA-Bw62 with HLA-Bw4. Tissue Antigens 22: 32–36
2. Alonso A, Doyle P, Williams E, Festenstein H (1984) Further splits of HLA-B15. Ninth Workshop Newsletter V
3. Campbell EM, Taljaard DG, Du Toit ED (1984) B15 Kemp/B15 short Thai. Ninth Workshop Newsletter V
4. Chandanayingyong D (1983) A possible new Thai variant of B15. Ninth Workshop Newsletter II
5. Chiewsilp P, Chandanayingyong D, Sujirachato K (1983) B15 short Thai. Ninth Workshop Newsletter II