1. Bridgeman, B. Induced motion: Relative motion or Roelofs effect. Paper read at the Twenty-third Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1982.
2. Karmiohl, C.M., & Shebilske, W.L. Behavioral vs. formal procedures of text analysis: Dis-course style, task demands, and reading strategies. Paper submitted for publication, 1983.
3. Masse, D. Le contrôle des movements oculaires. Thèse, Université de Grenoble, 1976.
4. Shebilske, W.L. Minor motor anomalies cause visual illusions that affect dart throwing. Paper read at the Twenty-third Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneaplis, Minnesota, 1982.
5. Shebilske, W.L., & Karmiohl, C.M. Toward a unified indirect perception theory. Paper submitted for publication, 1983.