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2. H. Cabannes, Motion of a vibrating string in the presence of a convex obstacle: a free boundary problem, Math.Meth. in the Applied Sciences, 9, (1987), p. 276–297.
3. H. Cabannes, Cordes vibrantes avec obstacle, cordes vibrantes avec frottement, in Vibrations with Unilateral Constraints, H. Cabannes, C. Citrini eds., EU-ROMECH 209, 1987, p. 33–43.
4. H. Cabannes, Mouvement d’une corde vibrante soumise à un frottement solide, C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, t. 287, Série A, (1978), p. 671–673.
5. H. Cabannes, Propagation of discontinuities in vibrating strings subject to solid friction, Meccanica, 14, (1979), p. 175–179.