1. Schach S., “Software Engineering”, Irwin, 1990
2. Key Practices of the Capability Maturity Model CMU/SEI-91-tr-25, August 1991.
3. Trillium — Telecom Software Product Development Capability Assessment Model, Bell Canada, Draft 2.2, 1992, This version of TRILLIUM (draft 2.2) has been submitted to the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 working group (WG) 10 responsible to develop a new standard on Software Process Assessment. The number WG10/N015 that appears on the cover page has been assigned in Dublin on January 18th, 1993.
4. Kantipudi M., Collier K.W., Collofewllo J.S., Medeiros S., Software engineering Course Project: Failures and Recommandations, Software Reengineering education, SEI Conf. San Diego Oct., 1992, Springer Berlag, pp 324–338.
5. Freedman, D.P., Weinberg, G.N., Handbook of Walkthroughs, Inspections, and Technical Reviews, Third Edition, Dorset House, N.Y. 1990.