1. Industrial Minerals, No. 43, April 1971, pp. 9–27.
2. Barksdale, J., Titanium, Its Occurrence, Chemistry, and Technology, The Ronald Press Co., 1966, pp. 400–462.
3. Powell, R., Titanium Dioxide and Titanium Tetrachloride, Noyes Development Corp., 1968, pp. 1–88.
4. Henderson, A. W., Campbell, T. T., and Block, F. E., Trans. AIME, Vol. 3, No. 10, 1972, pp. 2579–2583.
5. Harris, H. M., Henderson, A. W., and Campbell, E. T., Ilmenite Chlorination in Fluidized Coke Beds, TMS paper A73-20 AIME, Feb. 1973.