1. Affleck, L. 1981. Operating guidelines for locating forest access roads and managing forest reserves. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 15 pp.
2. Allin, J. R. 1981. Guidelines for the use of shoreline reserves for the protection of fish habitat from forest management activities. A draft report, unpublished. Fisheries Branch, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 23 pp.
3. Clawson, M., and J. L. Knetsch. 1971. Economics of outdoor recreation. John Hopkins Press, Baltimore. 328 pp.
4. Convery, F. J. 1979. The case for multiple use. Pages 44–48in Society of American Foresters Proceedings. Washington, DC.
5. Douglas, L. 1975. The economic impact of parks. A report produced by the Canadian Outdoor Recreation Research Committee for the Federal/Provincial parks Conference. 102 pp.