1. See, for example, Marty, M. E., ?If It's Not ?Mainline,? What Is It??Christian Century, November 8, 1989, 1031.
2. Novak, M., ?Public Theology and the Left: What Happens After Reagan??Christian Century, May 4, 1988, 455.
3. Clebsch, W. A., and Jaekle, C. R.,Pastoral Care in Historical Perspective. New York, Aronson, 1964, p. 42.
4. See, for example, Gottschalk, S., ?Spiritual Healing on Trial: A Christian Scientist Reports,?The Christian Century, June 22?29, 1988, 602?605. Because his article raised so much controversial discussion, a later issue published two of the letters to the editor and allowed Gottschalk to respond (?Spiritual Healing and the Law: A Dispute,?The Christian Century, October 19, 1988, 926?929).
5. Dalbey, G., ?Recovering Christian Healing,?The Christian Century, June 9?16, 1982.