1. John R. Commons.Institutional Economics. Its Place in Political Economy, 2 vols. Madison. University of Wisconsin Press, 1961, p. 458. Originally published 1934. Knapp had argued that debt was a form of money. Commons in analyzing that proposition used slavery as an example.
2. Stokely Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton.Black Power. The Politics of Liberation in America. New York. Vintage Books, 1967, pp. 4–6, where the concept is initially defined. Commons is not mentioned as a source of the concept. Hamilton is a black professor of political science at Columbia University. A book with the titleInstitutional Racism was published by another author in 1969.
3. Commons, pp. 32,458, 689-700.
4. Cheikh Anta Diop.Civilization or Barbarianism. Chicago. Lawrence Hill Books, 1991; and Martin Bernai.Black Athena, 2 vols. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 1993.
5. William M. Dugger, ed.,Radical Institutionalism. Westport, CT. Greenwood Press, 1989, p. ix.