1. Bogli, A. 1980. Karst Hydrology and Physical Speleology. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 280 pp.
2. Brant, R.A. and E.Q. Moulton, 1960. Acid Mine Drainage Manual. Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin, The Ohio State University, 24 pp.
3. Friel, E.A., T.A. Ehlke, W.A. Hobba, Jr., S.M. Ward and R.A. Shultz, 1984. Hydrology of area 8, eastern coal province, West Virginia and Ohio. United States Geological Survey Open File Report 84-463, 77 pp.
4. Institute for Local Government and Rural Development, 1996. Ohio University. Unpublished map of underground coal mines within the Monday Creek Watershed.
5. Jennings, J.N. 1985. Karst Geomorphology. Basil Blackwell, Inc., Oxford, U.K., 293 pp.